Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Celebrating the Birth of the Baby Cheese

The Wife and I are heathens. Let me just clear the air on that concept right now. My mom is, and my dad (before he died) was, convinced that we’re going to burn in hell. That’s ok. I’ve accepted that. I spent most of my childhood attending a religious school and going to church each week. I was even active in my church’s statewide youth fellowship program. I thought I knew what I believed about God, etc, but also it was just a fun outlet with cool kids that I got to know from attending church camp each summer.

When I got to college, I got exposed to what other religions believed and began to question myself. I finally opened my eyes to the inconsistencies in the story. I refuse to believe that Jesus would have condemned a good, loving, caring for others type of person to eternal damnation just because that person happened to follow a different idea of a god. What I think Jesus wanted was not for people to blindly follow him, but instead try to live their lives like him, caring for the needy, loving their family, etc. A Buddhist, a Muslim, a Jew, or an Atheist are all equally capable of living their life as Jesus tried to exemplify.

The Wife has been going to a local Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) group this year that she got introduced to by a friend. This group is affiliated with a local church. No big deal. The Wife enjoys the company, the kids are in a safe environment, and it gets them all out of the house a couple times each month. However, since we don’t attend a church, our kids have no concept of who Jesus was.

The activity for the kids last time at MOPS was to make an ornament for the tree. Sounds fun, right? Well, the ornament had 5 pieces: one egg holder from an egg carton, some cotton, a small piece of fabric, a tiny baby doll, and a pipe cleaner. The idea was to glue the cotton to the egg carton piece to make a bed for the baby, cover it with the fabric to make a blanket, and poke the pipe cleaner through to hang it on the tree. The kids seemed like they enjoyed making the ornaments, as they were very excited to show them to me. Bronze got to show me her ornament first. She hid it behind her back and told me she wanted to show me her “Baby Cheese”. She brought her arm out from behind her back and showed me the ornament. I told her how great her Baby Cheese looked. We headed right over to the tree and I held her up nice and high to hang Baby Cheese out of the cats reach. I just about lost it laughing to myself. That ornament quickly shot into my top 10 favorite ornaments, which include various snowmen, glass balls, and the ship from Star Trek Voyager. So yeah, maybe we are going to burn in hell.

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