Monday, December 18, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday was a nearly perfect day. One of my favorite memories from my childhood is when there wasn’t anything that we had to do on the weekend and we could just relax. Yesterday was one of those days again. Lots of sitting around relaxing, playing games with the kids, watching tv, and best of all, napping.

The thing I miss most since the kids have gotten older and don’t take afternoon naps anymore is the chance to take a nap myself. This was always a big part of those weekends of my youth and my pre-kid adult life too. Napping is a great way to recharge and get ready to face another week of the grind. To me, not getting a nap on the weekend is on par with getting shoved down and kicked repeatedly. To say I miss my naps is just not getting to the root of it. Yes, of course I love my kids and enjoy playing games with them. Also, the dishes and the laundry and the countless other chores I do each weekend have to be done. But the endless stream of these things just wears me out.

We have a big comfy chair in our living room that Azure dubbed the “thinking chair” from his Blue’s Clues days. When the kittens joined our family, they quickly decided that the top of the chair was their personal bed.

Yesterday afternoon, when the kids were in their rooms for rest time and Becky was in the office, I sat down in the thinking chair, rested my head up against Grumpy Sparkles and quickly fell asleep. Soon, Gilbert joined us. It was a cozy place for a nap. At some point, I woke to Grumpy giving my hair a bath. A little gross, but I was too sleepy to care and fell back asleep. I got to nap for almost an hour and a half, so I was pleased.

The Wife has wanted to get a cat for years, but for one reason or another, I always found an excuse not to. However, I love the addition that the kittens have made to our family.

Every day, I find myself laughing at some silly thing they’re doing. Even the fact that they’re tearing up the bottom row of tinsel and ornaments on our tree is humorous. Hopefully, our tree doesn’t end up looking like this. Just in case, we decided to leave the glass ornaments in storage this year.

Anyway, I love and I enjoyed cuddling up with them for my nap. Hope you can enjoy a lazy Sunday once in a while too.

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