Saturday, December 9, 2006

D-day (not for weak stomachs)

Once a month, some friends and I get together for a guy's weekend. This consists of my 2 best friends from high school, who live around 2 hours away, and me. This weekend however, I couldn't leave home because The Wife's out of town and Bronze had a birthday party to go to today that we didn't want her to miss. So, rather than missing out on guy's weekend, we decided to turn it into Dad day or d-day as we joked about during our planning emails. We had no idea what we were in for!

One guy couldn't make it because of work, so it was just me and my kids ages 5 & 3 1/2 and my friend Beege and his 4 kids, ages 7, 4, 2 1/2, & 1. My kids were looking forward to having someone new come over to play and around 8:30am starting asking when they'd be here. I tried to explain how difficult it was going to be for them to get here. "Think about how long it takes us to get ready to go somewhere. We just have 2 kids. They have 4 kids! Plus, they have a long drive. It's going be a long time before they make it to our house." I might as well have been taking to the cats. The kids were just too excited. Every 5 minutes, they're looking out the window, checking to see if anyone's here yet. Finally, the phone rang around 11:30am. Beege just finally got his kids all packed up and was starting the 2 hour drive. Of course! I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I fixed my kids some lunch and they had a little rest time, then I sent Bronze off to the birthday party with her grandma.

A little while later, Beege called again, this time he said he's about 10 minutes away, his 2 1/2 girl just threw up all over herself and her car seat from motion sickness, and could I please start running a bath for her. They got here, he cleaned her in the bath while I got his other kids settled in, I hooked up the hose outside, and he took apart the entire seat so he could spray it down. Then we put a load of laundry in to wash the car seat cover, her coat, and her clothes. By the time all that was finished, he got to give his baby a bottle. We actually had a few minutes of conversation during that time, but I was still running around keeping an eye on 4 kids and 2 over stimulated cats. Bronze got dropped off from the birthday party and all the kids got to play together for a while.

Soon, it was time for a snack. I got it ready, corralled the kids to the table, and as soon as we sat down, Beege's girl turned to him and said she needed to throw up again. He managed to grab a bowl just in time. They spent the next hour or so sitting on the couch with her throwing up numerous times. She managed the hit the bowl every time except once, when she completed nailed Beege's shirt, socks, a bunch of the floor and herself. So, off to the shower they both went. I had to get him a clean shirt and socks of mine and an old shirt of Bronze's. At this point, we were completely caught up in the comedy of the situation.

Meanwhile, I fixed some dinner for everyone who wasn't sick. Beege still had to put the car seat back together after it came out of the dryer. His girl managed to pass out on the couch for a little while before waking up and getting sick a few more times. Finally he got them all packed up and loaded up in their car. As we were saying goodbye, we laughed about how much we enjoyed talking to each other this time. I promised that if we ever have another d-day, I'll drive to his house next time.

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